Prof. MD
Doctor Samalavicius Narimantas Evaldas
Abdominal surgeons, Coloproctologists
Working hours
since 1990
professional experience
7 000+
abdominal surgeries
15 000+
coloproctology procedures
Prof. Samalavičius performs the full range of coloproctology procedures and surgery. His experience in coloproctology is one of the most extensive in the country. He uses the most advanced medical technologies that are available in Lithuania, including robots. He has had residencies in a number of world-renowned clinics.
Prof. Samalavičius has given numerous lectures in his field of expertise in the Lithuanian and English languages, and is the author of several hundred scientific reports, articles and theses in Lithuanian as well as in English. He is President of the Lithuanian Society of Coloproctologists and President of the International Society of University Colon and Rectal Surgeons (2020-2022).
Prof. Samalavičius diagnoses and treats the following illnesses
- Haemorrhoids
- Anal fissures
- Pilonidal sinuses
- Anal and colorectal polyps
- Colonic diverticulosis
- Inflammations of the large intestine
- Rectal prolapse, rectal ulcer syndrome etc.
- Colorectal cancers
- Rectal cancers etc.
Tests and procedures most frequently ordered or performed
- Haemorrhoids rubber band ligation
- Haemorrhoidectomy etc.
- Surgical treatment of anal fissures and fistulas
- Minimally invasive (robotic and laparoscopic) surgery of the large intestine (colon and rectum)